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Long Term Care Blog

Best long term care insurance policies for your money

| Jack Lenenberg

Top 10 Long Term Care Insurance PoliciesI receive a lot of phone calls from consumers nationwide and a fairly common question many of my clients ask me is:

What is the best long term care insurance policy that you can buy?

It is a fair question.

And it is a question that has...

Pacific Life Premier Care Review and Rating

| Jack Lenenberg

Pacific Life

Review of Pacific Life PremierCare Long Term Care Insurance

Below is my original 2013 review of the original Pacific Life PremierCare policy.  The arena has changed dramatically in the past 7 years.  For the current 2020 review of the...

Review of Northwestern Mutual Long Term Care Insurance

| Jack Lenenberg

Northwestern Mutual Ltc

Northwestern Mutual offers long term care insurance through its wholly owned subsidiary Northwestern Long Term Care Insurance Company. 

We receive a lot of inquiries about Northwestern LTC policies.  Let's take a look to see how...

Prudential Financial Exits the Long Term Care Insurance Arena

| Jack Lenenberg


Prudential Halts Sales of Long Term Care Insurance

Prudential, the 2nd largest life insurance company in the U.S. announced as of April 1st, 2012 it will no longer offer individual long term care insurance policies for sale following the lead of...

The High Cost of State Farm Long Term Care Insurance

| Jack Lenenberg

State Farm Long Term Care Insurance Review and Ratings

As most everyone knows, State Farm is easily the largest property and casualty insurer in the United States.  Just like Starbucks, there seems to be a State Farm office on every corner.


AARP Genworth Long Term Care Insurance Review

| Jack Lenenberg

AARP Genworth Long Term Care Insurance Policy

AARP is the largest organization in the United States for individuals over the age of 50, with over 40 million members.

We are often asked by our clients "How good is the AARP Genworth long term care...