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Long Term Care Blog

Finding Your Best Hybrid Long Term Care Plan

| Jack Lenenberg

Ltc Hybrid Life Insurance

Every day between now and 2030 approximately 10,000 baby boomers will turn 65 years old.  Discussing guaranteed solutions to pay for long term care is a conversation I have daily with clients throughout the United States.  Most Americans...

Global Atlantic ForeCare Long Term Care Annuity Review

| Jack Lenenberg

Global Atlantic Fore Care Ltc Annuity

Ben Franklin once famously said "A penny saved is a penny earned."  But Ben can no longer give you wisdom today when it comes to the money you have saved.  To be sure, you need to have enough money to live on.  At the same time,...

Nationwide CareMatters II Cash Indemnity Long Term Care Review

| Jack Lenenberg

Nationwide Ltc Insurance Care Matters

Nationwide CareMatters II: Life Insurance With Cash Indemnity Long Term Care Benefits

*** Pricing below updated to reflect current May 19, 2022 pricing***

Finally.  Nationwide has finally updated its CareMatters cash indemnity long term care...

Mass Mutual Long Term Care Insurance Rates Have Skyrocketed

| Jack Lenenberg

Mass Mutual Long Term Care InsuranceMass Mutual has released its new Signature Care 600 long term care insurance policy in 39 states and I am disappointed to say the Mass Mutual LTC policy is no longer a viable consumer solution in the traditional long term care insurance...

Mass Mutual CareChoice One Fails to Deliver

| Jack Lenenberg

Mass Mutual CareChoice One Review and Rating

Updated July 30, 2020

Mass Mutual CareChoice One is a single premium hybrid long term care insurance policy.  Hybrid long term care policies combine cash value life insurance with a long term care...