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Long Term Care Blog

Taxation Guide For Hybrid Long Term Care Insurance

| Jack Lenenberg

Tax Deductions Long Term Care Insurance

December 12, 2024

In 1996, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) outlined the requirements for tax-qualified long term care policies under Internal Revenue Code 7702B.

HIPAA also defined a hybrid life-long term care...

Using Your HSA Account For Long Term Care Insurance Premiums

| Jack Lenenberg

Long Term Care Insurance Premiums SavingsA Health Savings Account is one of the most flexible tools to help you address the increasing costs of health care.  HSA's offer you a tax deduction for your contributions.  Your HSA benefits grow tax-deferred and your distributions from...

IRS Increases 2017 LTC Insurance Tax Deduction Limits

| Jack Lenenberg

Long Term Care Insurance Tax DeductionThe IRS just released an announcement that the 2017 tax deduction limits for traditional tax-qualified long term care insurance premiums are increasing for tax year 2017.  The increase approximates 5% from the 2016 LTC tax deduction limits.


2016 Long Term Care Insurance Tax Deductions

| Jack Lenenberg

Ltc Tax Deductions

The end of the year is always a good time to review your financial plans.

Here is a year-end incentive to review your long-term care plans:

Long term care insurance premiums may be tax-deductible for you as a medical expense.

For 2016, the...

Long Term Care Insurance Tax Deductions for 2015 Released By IRS

| Jack Lenenberg

Tax Deductions Long Term Care Insurance 2015

The Internal Revenue Service has just released its annual inflation adjustments and cost of living adjustments for 2015.  The IRS is required by tax laws to adjust the dollar amounts of multitudes of tax provisions each year to account for...

Gender-Based Pricing To Take Effect

| Jack Lenenberg

Gender Based Ltc Pricing

Genworth Financial has announced its intentions to reprice long term care insurance rates so that single women will be charged higher prices than men.  Pricing changes are expected to be implemented in April 2013.  The rates for women...