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Long Term Care Blog

Lincoln Moneyguard II pricing changes announced

| Jack Lenenberg

Genworth Long Term Care Insurance ReviewEffective April 17, 2017 Lincoln Moneyguard II will be introducing pricing changes for new sales of the Lincoln Moneyguard hybrid long term care insurance policy, pending state approval. In addition to pricing changes, Lincoln will be introducing...

Hybrid Long Term Care Insurance is Soaring in Popularity

| Jack Lenenberg

Hybrid LTC Life Insurance Link Benefits With Guarantees

Combined Long Term Care And Life Insurance

"You got chocolate in my peanut butter!"

"You got peanut butter in my chocolate!"

And 45 years ago the first combination product was born.

Today, life and long term care insurance...

Pacific Life Premier Care Review and Rating

| Jack Lenenberg

Pacific Life

Review of Pacific Life PremierCare Long Term Care Insurance

Below is my original 2013 review of the original Pacific Life PremierCare policy.  The arena has changed dramatically in the past 7 years.  For the current 2020 review of the...