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Long Term Care Blog

2016 Long Term Care Insurance Tax Deductions

| Jack Lenenberg

Ltc Tax Deductions

The end of the year is always a good time to review your financial plans.

Here is a year-end incentive to review your long-term care plans:

Long term care insurance premiums may be tax-deductible for you as a medical expense.

For 2016, the...

How does Medicare address long term care?

| Jack Lenenberg

Medicare ConfusionStudies show that 70 percent of Americans that reach Medicare age of 65 will need long term care at some point in their lives.

This care may be received at home, in assisted living, or within a skilled nursing facility.  The US Department of...

Long Term Care Insurance Tax Deductions for 2015 Released By IRS

| Jack Lenenberg

Tax Deductions Long Term Care Insurance 2015

The Internal Revenue Service has just released its annual inflation adjustments and cost of living adjustments for 2015.  The IRS is required by tax laws to adjust the dollar amounts of multitudes of tax provisions each year to account for...